Meet the team

Ian Robertson


He’s the glue that brings the team together. Exceptionally organised and lover of a spreadsheet or ten, he’s the backroom boy that makes sure the magazine gets to print on time and that there’s sufficient coffee and Jaffa Cakes to get the editorial team through the long days (and nights). Owner and publisher of sister magazine Diesel Car & Eco Car, he has contributed to all kinds of titles, including Autocar, What Car?, Motor Trader and Professional Driver magazine.

Dream classic: Peugeot 405 Mi16

Gavin Braithwaite-Smith


Champion of the mundane, Gavin feels more at home with his collection of mostly undesirable cars than he does behind the wheel of a six-figure sports car. Some say he was born wearing steel wheels and black bumpers. When he’s not trying to convince the world that the Proton Impian is a future classic, Gavin is likely to be updating the world’s least influential motoring blog. If you’re struggling to sleep, you’ll find it at Alternatively, check out his rubbish YouTube channel.

Dream classic: Renault Safrane Biturbo Baccara



When not in the theatre, Laura and the hard working, dedicated team at Tandem Media are on hand to help with all your advertising needs. Laura has extensive knowledge of the classic car world and magazine production, with a superb knowledge of the industry, so you’ll be in safe hands.

Dream classic: Triumph Spitfire Mk3

For advertising enquiries contact Laura on 01233 228754 or


Art Director

A lifelong obsession with classic cars, graphics, typography and vintage car magazines appears to have led Roy directly to his dream design project. If you love the look of our mag, Roy is the man you need to thank, but he can’t take the credit for its wonderful aroma.

Dream classic: Citroën DS Pallas



Faye is another ace sales bod, but she doesn’t like the Kia Pride as much as Laura does.

Dream classic: Not a Kia Pride

For advertising enquiries contact Faye on 01233 220245 or

Steve Dawson

Website Design

Print and web designer Steve has developed an interest in new cars during his years working on Diesel Car magazine, but he’s learning to appreciate classic cars. We’ll make a classic nut of him yet.

Dream classic: Chevrolet Corvair

Simon Thompson


When Simon isn’t travelling the world taking photos of expensive new cars, he’s a valuable member of the Classic.Retro.Modern. team, responsible for some of our best cover features. He’s also a thoroughly nice guy.

Dream classic: MG ZR


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